The Pros & Cons Of Having Multiple Amazon Seller Accounts

The Pros & Cons Of Having Multiple Amazon Seller Accounts

Today Jason joins as we run through the pains of multiple brands from one account including shared inventory decisions, crossovers in softwares with brands at early and late stages and the pain of accounting and reconciling of multi brands from a single account.

Jason Landro is the co-founder of Nectar, which is a full-service Amazon digital marketing agency. Nectar was founded in 2018, after Jason and his partners had built a successful 7-figure Amazon business, which they sold in 2020. Jason’s expertise is branding, positioning, and scaling, and he frequently writes and speaks about these topics. At Nectar, Jason currently leads sales and partnerships but is still intimately involved with the latest and best tactics to scale brands on and off Amazon.

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Maximizing Success on Amazon: Managing Multiple Brands – Pros and Cons

If you’re an ambitious Amazon seller looking to scale your business or plan for future sales, you’re faced with a critical decision – whether to manage multiple brands within a single Amazon seller account or maintain separate accounts. This choice can significantly influence your operational efficiency, profitability, and long-term aspirations. In this blog post, we’ll explore the insights shared by Jason Landro, an Amazon expert with a legal background, as he delves into the advantages and disadvantages of handling multiple brands on Amazon.

Deciphering Jason Landro’s Insights

Jason Landro, a former lawyer turned Amazon entrepreneur, has garnered extensive experience navigating the complexities of the Amazon marketplace. His expertise shines a light on the intricacies of managing multiple brands within a single Amazon seller account. Let’s dissect his key points.

1. Aligning with Business Objectives

Your business objectives should serve as the guiding stars for your decision-making process. If you’re not planning immediate brand sales, consolidating them within a single account may seem reasonable. However, if you anticipate future brand sales, maintaining separate accounts offers the flexibility required for a seamless transition.

2. Streamlined Account Organization

Efficient account organization emerges as one of the most compelling advantages of brand segregation. Separate accounts simplify reporting, accounting, and inventory management. This clear demarcation alleviates the need for laborious data dissection, especially when managing multiple brands simultaneously.

3. Tackling Inventory Management Challenges

Inventory management can become a daunting task when handling FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) and juggling multiple brands under a single roof. Amazon’s inventory constraints during peak periods often necessitate difficult choices regarding brand prioritization. The use of separate accounts can act as a buffer, ensuring that your best-selling products remain consistently in stock.

4. Account Suspension Preparedness and Backup

Account suspension can strike even the most seasoned Amazon sellers. Maintaining multiple accounts acts as a crucial contingency plan. In the unfortunate event of one account facing suspension, the remaining accounts can continue operations. This safety net can be a game-changer, ensuring the uninterrupted flow of revenue.

5. Navigating Related Account Policies

Amazon enforces stringent policies concerning related accounts. Compliance requires each brand to have distinct bank accounts, corporations, registered addresses, and email addresses. The separation of accounts guarantees adherence to these regulations, minimizing the risk of policy violations.

6. Resource Allocation Strategies

Efficient resource allocation plays a pivotal role in the management of multiple brands. Consider the resources necessary for scaling up a brand, including software, personnel, and marketing expenditures. Depending on the growth stage of each brand, separate accounts can enable optimized resource allocation.

7. Long-Term Vision

For those with long-term aspirations, segregating brands can be a strategic move. Established companies often find value in consolidating related businesses for enhanced efficiency. This approach proves particularly advantageous when dealing with Amazon Vendor Central accounts.

In Conclusion

The decision of whether to manage multiple brands within a single Amazon seller account or maintain separate accounts should harmonize with your business objectives and operational realities. Jason Landro’s insights underscore the significance of meticulous planning and organization, irrespective of your choice. Your Amazon journey should align with your long-term goals, operational efficiency, and strict compliance with Amazon’s policies.

To gain further insights from Jason Landro and delve deeper into his expertise, you can connect with him on LinkedIn or explore his website at

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