Future Of Rebates For Amazon Sellers

On Thursdays with Sharon we welcome back Barcus Patty and Anthony Lee to Discuss the recent events around Rebates and Ranking manipulation on Amazon. Adam Heist may pay a visit too.

What has caused all the fuss?
Over the last 2 weeks sellers received an email from amazon stating that Rebatekey, a well knows rebate service, will be losing their access to MWS. The same message was sent to Elite Seller users also offering rebate services.

A few days ago in the amazon seller forums an amazon employee stated that 2 step urls, rebates, search find buy and other tactics are against amazons code of conduct when used for search rank manipulation.

We will be discussing these events and our interpretations of them.

More on our Guests:

Anthony is an Amazon Subject Matter Expert at Canopy Management. He leverages his experience as a brand owner, consultant, and executive at a number of popular Amazon software services to share content, training, and education that help sellers take actionable steps to grow.

Barcus Patty has been in the Amazon seller space since 2015, selling his own products on Amazon, EBay and Etsy over the years. He’s also worked on the software side for sellers. Building tools, roadmaps and leading teams since 2015 as well. He has recently moved into the aggregator space as Head of Growth for Emergant where he is creating relationships with brands and services in the space. Vetting and analyzing deals that come into the pipeline.

Check out this episode!


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