Seller Sessions 900 – Consistency Wins Every Time

This week on Inspired with Bell…

I join Izabela on her show to discuss consistency, as Seller Sessions hits 900 episodes we talk about all areas in life where consistency plays a role. Everyone gets the same 24 hours in the day, and in life and business you have a few non-negotiable. Where you put your energy and for how long is important, you can be consistent watching Netflix or the News, but they will not yield you any returns.


Consistency develops discipline, and when the initial motivation runs out (which it will) it is the discipline that takes over. As entrepreneurs, nothing follows a linear curve and on the days you are not on your game – you do it anyway! This is what separates you from the pack, as discipline and consistency does not care about your feelings. This is why it is so important to focus on things you enjoy, as it will almost be impossible to stick to it. 

You will never be good, or top tier in what you do, when you are up against people that live and breathe it. They will always outwork you, out smart you and out earn you. As for them, it is child’s-play but for you, it’s a chore. 


Check out this episode!


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