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Sponsored Ads Click Fraud – How We Got $9000 Back

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Amazon Seller David Liggins drops by to chat about click fraud and how we got back $9000 in Ad Spend.

Click Fraud Red Flags

  • David has been in Amazon business for awhile now.
  • The red flags:
    • Over the last two weeks or so there were spikes on the clicks.
    • On Prime Day or when there is an expected high traffic, you can expect this kind of spikes but not on regular days.
    • We tried to check why we should be getting an enormous amount of click. And there was no reason why we should be getting that kind of  spike.
  • May 27th 2019, 20 fold increase in peaks.
    • The increases were not attributable to changes because no changes were made on the particular campaigns.
    • It was only for a particular search term but did not occur for any other search term.

Opening the Case with Amazon

  • Prepare a technical analysis of the findings and documentations
  • Highlight the anomaly.
  • Include the search term and the duration.
  • Process takes about three weeks for Amazon to investigate after submission.


  • Do not add A-Cost when there are anomalies.
  • Look and isolate why your budget is burning through.
  • Take a collection of a period or if you haven’t made any adjustments.
  • Document everything you’ve done for the campaign — enough to detail what campaigns are affected, the search terms, etc.
  • Collect historic data and provide some charts that show the spikes that are unnatural.

Connect with David Liggins:



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