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Amazon Product Launch Sequence with Anthony Lee – Session 005

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It is launch time and we’re zeroing in on the amazon product launch sequence to propel your product into the market like a projectile into orbit.

We will cover the preparation for your foundation of your listing (keywords, images, bullets and title), then we’re onto customer validation, next is making sure listing visibility is high for Amazon Tracking.

Then we move to stimulate your sales velocity so that once your product is up high in space you’ve lots of data to measure, observe and optimise. Just like a Space X launch guys – it’s a science!

What needs to be optimised for your Amazon Product Launch sequence?

  • Title and your canonical URL
  • Storefront URL has worked well for some
  • Images are super important
  • Bullets and Description for SEO weight and Amazon Tacking
  • Sales copy will persuade your audeince
  • Backend keywords are always important
  • Your reviews – the first 21 is important after that it’s the star rating
  • How readable your copy is for customers but also for spiders
  • Then optimsiing all of that for mobile which has its own rules

Customer Validation phase of launch sequence

  • Social proof – your reviews, not the whole story but Amazon research shows the 1st 21 – 50 are important to amazon tracking
  • Lower star rating products will outperform you if you have no reviews
  • Star rating becomes more important after the first 21 reviews

How to get reviews

  • Ask friends and family – it’s what you would do if you opened a brick & mortar store so why not the same for your amazon product launch sequence
  • A natural place to start to get your first reviews is your network
  • Facebook groups and forum communities are good to get people to rally behind whichever problem your product solves
  • Confirm with the group admin if you’re allowed to post promotional stuff
  • You can do a 10% discount and hopefully get reviews
  • Blogger guest posts is another route – they broadcast your product to their audience
  • This all takes a lot of time

If your time is short

  • This is against Amazon ToS – you don’t have to do this but we’re letting you know all options – how you run your business is upto you
  • Campaigns that are successful in getting reviews
  • Build your own email list – off-Amazon in FB groups etc.
  • If you have targeted your list to people who have or are going to buy your product
  • We will give you a free product if you give us a review – they review it and send a screenshot of the review to get the product
  • This has worked to get 35 reviews within 72hrs – it is against Amazon ToS and not breaking the law but is against Amazon rules
  • A lot of the big brands do this regularly
  • Upto you where your moral compass lies
  • None of this is ‘black hat’ – not harmful to people or others
  • You’re just asking for honest feedback

Facebook Ads

  • Take the address data from your customer data
  • Feed into FB and create a custom audience
  • You then run ads to this audience to get a reaction

Paypal Groups

  • This is a unicorn – I don’t know where to find them
  • Reddit has a subreddit – product for review – a nasty bunch
  • They demonise anyone who does anything against ToS
  • The Paypal group is – you get people to buy your product at full-price and you give them the price of the product

Appending emails

  • Manage by Stats is a service that can help get email addresses based on the data you can give them of your buyers
  • They take data and match it up with other data sources and match as best they can to get you a ‘most likely’ email address
  • Amazon tries to retain as much control over customers as they can

3. Visibility

  • You go onto a crowded Marketplace like Amazon and there are millions of eyes out there
  • Big brands have recognisability – Nike for example is know
  • How do you get past the big brands and in front of people’s eyes
  • You have to chip-away at it

Start with Auto campaigns on PPC to find out how people are finding your product

  • This will give you a view of the data on what people are searching to find your product
  • Give it 10 – 15 days to run
  • View the search term report and spot which keywords people are using
  • Also good for validating that the keywords you thought were going to work have worked
  • You need high-velocity keywords if you want to jump out of the gate with ads
  • Low-velocity keywords are good if you have a lot of long-tail keywords with many ads running (thousands of keywords) with 0.5-10% ACOS
  • Your velocity in your market – if the market is not selling x /day then you won’t get tons of sales – you need enough traffic

Manual Campaigns structure

  • Start running manual sponsored product ads
  • Phrase match ads have given Anthony good returns – broad was too broad and exact was too tight
  • Separate our campaigns
    • Those we don’t expect to make a lot of money off as they are high competition BUT we need the campaign to build us visibility, we put that in it’s own campaign
    • We pay for ads that we know we lose money on because we need to be on the page (with our ad) to maintain out visibility to buyers
    • Shorter-tail keywords that we want to optimise and make money on
    • Then we have the long-tail keywords in the thousands that are 4-5 words and low velocity but every now and again they hit and when they do they are profitable
    • Focus on relevance in campaigns because this is how you get impressions and the algorithm is tied to relevance
  • Sift through your reports and data to define what’s relevant in your market
  • Subject matter keywords are important for relevance – fill out your backend fields to inform the Amazon algorithm to drive search to you and increase your impressions
  • Use few keywords with enough velocity for your product – 2 word keywords – optimise it using data from the campaign
  • Tells you if you’re at the point in your business to compete with guys on Page 1 competing for ‘Garlic press’ as the main keyword
  • If you can afford it – turn up the PPC and go for it – if not this will help you set your strategy
  • You go long-tail and the keywords are cheaper

AMS as a tool for your Amazon Product Launch Sequence

  • You can use it to test Headline ads for keyword research
  • AMS will tell you which keywords are High, Med or Low traffic keywords
  • What you do is:
    • Find you main three keywords for the product
    • Go for only Mediums and High traffic keywords
    • Setup a manual campaign
    • Put your product in as Merchant Fulfilled
    • Wait for the early morning
    • Run that campaign to get an idea of what your cost per click will be
    • Click on your own ads
    • You learn if your product is ‘relevant’ enough to show that ad
    • You get a sharper idea of the ‘suggested bid price’ as Amazon gives you a guide but it can be high meaning you bid too high
  • Rather than look at cost per click – see it as an investment to get to Page 1 – once you’re getting organic sales then you can scale back your PPC
  • You have all these places (Headline and Right rail) you can put your product but not profitable.
  • The average consumer needs 7-8 ‘touch points’ before they buy – the more they see you the greater your chance to sell
  • Visibility offers you more sales – builds a pipeline of people
  • You start to become a ‘viable’ brand as they see you more and more around the big brands – you’re building your reputation in the eyes of the buyer
  • You need to put yourself out there as much as possible
  • Leveraging all the paid marketing channels Amazon can give you is the best way to maximize your `amazon dollars
  • AMS is not a silver bullet – it is a key channel for visibility during your Amazon product launch sequence
  • You need to put in the dollars and the time to make a return

4. Sales Velocity Stimulation

  • How you get noticed first, added to cart and purchased is by ranking for highly relevant keywords and a crucial part of your amazon product launch sequence
  • Amazon algorithm ranks products on sales velocity, sales history, conversion rate and listing interactions
  • Looking for product that people will like, have liked, will buy and have bought
  • Prioritises products based on keywords for products that appear to be popular

How do you affect the algorithm?

  • You stimulate this with signals by running promotions during your amazon product launch sequence
  • Coupons make your product more attractive to entice buyers and stimulate a temporary high velocity sales
  • You maintain control of where you send these coupons
  • The canonical URL can be manipulated so that it has the desired keyword phrase in it and then running the promotions to that URL
  • You can also use your storefront URL – you can put your desired keyword in the search box and hit search then grab that
  • URL making it a keyword embedded URL which attributes the sales velocity to your product for this keyword telling the algorithm you are relevant


  • Twitter links are not as laser-targeted but Amazon does like social sharing aspects too
  • Influencer traffic – reaching out to Youtubers and bloggers – but this is short-term and not sustained traffic
  • These things will help drive a short-term velocity rank to get you started – strategy should involve both short and longer-term approaches
  • Use an external service such as Zonblast – large list and they put your product in front of them


Mail followup sequences for your Amazon Product Launch sequence

  • Glues your reviews
  • This is your review machine in reaching out to your buyers
  • 3rd Party services out there that integrate with the API and allow you to communicate with your buyers
  • Figure out what emails you want to send and keep it short
  • 1st Email – be helpful and say thank you (FAQs or instructions)
  • 2nd Email – appeal for feedback – unbiased opinion on the product – any suggestions for improvements? With links back to the review or back to you directly
  • Pay attention to the metrics – open rate is important
  • Keeping the same subject line means the email provider starts to spot them as spam and stop delivery
  • Open rates dropping – change the subject line
  • Anthony uses ‘cashcow pro’
  • Avoid snake-oil copy
  • Develop a relationship with your buyers – build a connection
  • Make customer service an important aspect of your business – can save you from poor reviews
  • People leave product reviews but send it in Feedback and not Reviews section – you can go back to them and ask them to re post it into Reviews section by just asking them
  • Amazon can see this as manipulation but it’s grey
  • One-off personal communications should be okay and moving your review from feedback to the correct section is usually fine

Measure for Success

  • See what progress you’re making or not with your amazon product launch sequence and sales
  • To optimise anything your need to know your Measures
  • Get familiar with your reports
  • Conversion Rate is king
  • Session to Sales ratio
  • ACoS and clickthrough for ads
  • Know what your total advertising costs are compared to your unit costs
  • Do your numbers at the beginning
  • If you know your numbers you won’t get caught out by cashflow problems

Reid and Wright publishing for Anthony’s books


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