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Best Amazon SEO Tools to Boost Your Product Visibility

Using Amazon SEO tools is crucial for sellers to get noticed and sell more on Amazon. These tools help improve how high your products rank in searches, leading to more sales.

They come with useful features like finding the right keywords, checking what competitors are doing, and giving tips to make your listings better. Using these tools, sellers can make smart choices to help their products stand out.

It’s important to pick the right tool because they have different features. Some are great for understanding keyword trends, while others have many features like managing ads and tracking reviews.

SEO strategies and algorithms keep changing, that’s why it’s essential to look at what each tool offers, how easy it is to use, its cost, and the support you get.

Want to know how these tools can help your Amazon business grow? Keep reading to learn more about choosing and using Amazon SEO tools effectively.

Understanding Amazon SEO

Amazon SEO is the key to enhancing product visibility on Amazon, where the right search engine optimization strategies matter significantly for attracting traffic and competing effectively.

The Basics of Amazon SEO

Amazon’s search engine optimization differs from traditional SEO because it focuses on maximizing revenue per click. This is achieved through a mechanism that matches products with a customer’s search query.

Essential Factors influencing Amazon SEO:

  • Product Titles: Including precise keywords that shoppers are likely to use.
  • Seller Performance: High ratings and positive feedback can boost a product’s placement.
  • Price: Competitive pricing can influence ranking as it potentially increases sales.

Amazon’s algorithm, designed around the A9 subsidiary’s framework, pairs user queries with relevant products by interpreting various signals.

Why Keyword Research is Important

Keyword research lays the foundation for successful Amazon SEO. It involves analyzing search terms that customers frequently use, which informs the strategy for optimizing product listings.

Benefits of robust keyword research:

  • Increased Visibility: Targeted keywords can enhance a product’s position on the search results page.
  • Competitive Edge: Understanding search volume and relevance keeps products ahead of the competition.

A variety of SEO tools, such as Jungle Scout and Helium 10, offer advanced keyword research capabilities and data insights to bolster this search ranking strategy.

Furthermore, some tools are available free, enabling sellers to refine their keyword strategy without initial investment.

The 10 Best Amazon SEO Tools

1. Helium 10

amazon seo tools Helium 10

Helium 10 empowers Amazon sellers with a set of comprehensive tools designed to bolster SEO strategy and enhance product listing visibility. As a leading Amazon SEO tool, it equips users with the insights necessary to improve their rankings and ensure their products reach their target audience effectively.

Key features:

  • Keyword Research: Tools like Magnet offer a broad range of filters to discover high-traffic keywords, while Cerebro provides a competitive analysis through reverse ASIN lookups.
  • Listing Optimization: Listing Analyzer improves product descriptions with optimal keywords.
  • Rank Tracking: Monitors keywords’ performance to refine SEO strategies.
  • Index Checker: Quickly verifies if a listing is indexed for specific keywords.
  • Chrome Extension: Allows for real-time analytics directly on Amazon product pages.
  • Integration with Amazon and Walmart: Offers insights for both platforms to maximize reach.

Helium 10 is regarded as one of the best SEO tools for Amazon because it not only delivers thorough keyword insights but also provides actionable data that can drive a product’s organic traffic and sales.

Its user-friendly interface paired with reliable data analytics simplifies the complexities involved in Amazon’s competitive marketplace, making it a vital asset for sellers aiming to achieve top rankings.

2. Jungle Scout

amazon seo tools jungle scout

Jungle Scout is an established and influential Amazon SEO tool designed to enhance product visibility and sales performance on Amazon’s marketplace. It is recognized for providing users with the ability to identify high-converting keywords efficiently, as well as offering a comprehensive view into competitors’ keyword strategies.

Key features:

  • Keyword Scout: Offers quick discovery of keywords that can potentially lead to conversions and insights into competitor keyword usage.
  • Historical Search Volume Data: Users can analyze keyword performance history to improve market understanding.
  • ASIN Group Comparisons: Enables reverse-search for up to 10 ASINs at a time, comparing organic and sponsored keywords.
  • Advanced Filtering: Helps in pinpointing high-impact keywords and retains filter settings for subsequent searches.
  • PPC Savings: Indicates cost-per-click for various ad types, assisting users in targeting economical keywords with high ranking possibility.
  • Global Search Capabilities: Allows product search across all Amazon marketplaces internationally.
  • PPC Campaign Evaluation: Provides insights to optimize PPC campaigns effectively.
  • Additional Resources: 24/7 expert support, recommended keywords feature, result exportation to .CSV, and a keyword list to ensure no relevant word is missed.

Jungle Scout stands out as one of the top Amazon SEO tools due to its robust data-driven approach in keyword research and competitor analysis. It consolidates critical information necessary for sellers to make informed decisions about their product listings and PPC campaigns, resulting in more strategic and cost-effective SEO efforts on Amazon.

The tool’s emphasis on analytics and its global reach make it invaluable for sellers aiming to achieve a competitive edge and to enhance their market presence.

3. Viral Launch

Viral Launch amazon seo tools

Viral Launch equips Amazon sellers with a suite of comprehensively designed tools for market research, keyword discovery, and competitor analysis. Standing at the forefront for Amazon SEO efficiency, this platform offers a powerful solution for both new entrants and seasoned sellers in the marketplace.

Key features:

  • Product Discovery: Pinpoint profitable products with precision.
  • Market Intelligence: Utilize in-depth sales data and metrics.
  • Keyword Research Tool: Uncover highly relevant and competitive keywords.
  • Listing Analyzer: Diagnose and improve listing health and effectiveness.
  • Competitor Intelligence: Gain insights on competitor products and metrics.
  • Kinetic PPC: Manage and optimize pay-per-click marketing campaigns.
  • Historical Trends: Visualize keyword popularity over time.
  • Reverse ASIN Lookup: Conduct broad market competitor research.
  • Seamless Integration: Cross-utilize tools for enriched data assessment.

4. Ahrefs

ahref SEO tool

When selling on Amazon, it’s critical to understand customer search behavior and optimize your product listings accordingly.

This is where Ahrefs steps in, offering an Amazon keyword tool designed to provide sellers with a vast array of relevant search term insights.

Utilizing a sizable database with nearly 100 million keywords for the US Amazon marketplace alone, users gain access to a substantial pool of potential keyword ideas.

Key features:

  • Keyword Idea Reports: Multiple reports generate hundreds to thousands of related search terms.
  • Accurate Metrics: Leverages Clickstream data for reliable search volume estimations and unique metrics like Clicks Per Search and Return Rate.
  • Inbuilt Filters: Refine search terms by volume, clicks, and other parameters.
  • Global Volume Metric: Reveals worldwide search volume data, including the top six countries by search volume.
  • Competitor Analysis: Enables insight into the Google organic ranking keywords of competing Amazon listings.
  • Easy Export & Save Options: Simplify the keyword management process by allowing the segmentation and easy export of keyword lists.

Ahrefs is touted as one of the premier SEO tools for Amazon due to its high-quality data sourced from actual Amazon shopper trends rather than relying solely on autocomplete or third-party estimations.

They provide an unparalleled depth of insight into keyword performance metrics and user behavior patterns.

Moreover, the platform’s capacity to support keyword research for nearly any global region makes it versatile for Amazon sellers targeting international markets.

This approach not only enhances listing visibility but also boosts the potential for attracting organic traffic from both Amazon and Google search results.

5. AMZ.One


AMZ.One is a comprehensive Amazon SEO tool created to assist sellers in enhancing their product listing visibility through effective keyword optimization. It aids in discovering pivotal keywords tailored for their products, aiming at elevating their product ranking on the Amazon marketplace.

Key features:

  • Keyword Tracker: Monitors how products rank for selected keywords on Amazon.
  • Sales Tracking: Offers insights into sales data for a better understanding of product performance.
  • Keyword Research: Facilitates the discovery of profitable keywords that can be targeted.
  • Best Sellers Product Tracker: Keeps tabs on top-selling products to inform strategic decisions.
  • Reverse ASIN Lookup: Helps in identifying the keywords competitors are using for their products.

AMZ.One distinguishes itself as one of the best SEO tools on the market due to its multifaceted approach to Amazon SEO.

Not only does it support sellers in tracking and optimizing their keyword performance, but it also provides a suite of tools to analyze competition and market trends.

With its support for a wide range of international markets, AMZ.One stands as a versatile asset for Amazon sellers aiming to reach a global audience.

6. SellerApp


SellerApp offers a powerful suite for Amazon sellers aiming to improve their product visibility and organic traffic. Its comprehensive set of tools enables sellers to conduct extensive keyword research, effectively monitor keyword rankings, and optimize product listings for better performance on Amazon.

Key features:

  • Keyword Research: Provides access to over 200 million keywords, offering detailed filter options such as volume, relevancy, and sales estimates.
  • Reverse ASIN Lookup: Enables comparison of up to four competitors’ ASINs to uncover high-performing keywords and optimize listings.
  • Listing Quality Score: Assesses the effectiveness of product listings with a quality score, aiding sellers to refine their content for better search visibility.
  • Index Checker: Identifies both indexed and non-indexed keywords for sellers to optimize listings and improve overall discoverability.
  • Listing Recommendations: Offers actionable insights based on Amazon’s best practices to enhance listing quality and conversion rates.
  • PPC Optimization: Supports Amazon advertising strategies to boost SEO and sales for crucial category keywords.

SellerApp stands out as one of the top Amazon SEO tools due to its meticulous attention to detail in tracking and optimizing product rankings.

This tool empowers sellers with the intelligence needed to not just compete, but to thrive in the Amazon marketplace.

Combining functionalities such as real-time keyword monitoring, competition analysis, and tailored listing improvements, SellerApp equips sellers with a competitive edge essential for success.

7. ZonGuru

amazon seo tools Zonguru

ZonGuru is a comprehensive toolkit designed to enhance brand management and growth on Amazon. It is equipped with the latest technology including ChatGPT-4 integration, which ensures state-of-the-art features for optimizing product listings and tracking progress.

Key features:

  • Listing Optimizer 4.0: Harnesses the capabilities of AI for advanced listing optimization.
  • Keywords on Fire: An effective tool for discovering high-impact keywords tailored for Amazon listings.
  • Email Automation: Streamlines customer engagement and follow-ups.
  • Product Research Tools: Assists in identifying lucrative products and market opportunities.
  • Sales Analytics: Provides in-depth insights for decision-making and sales strategy formulation.

ZonGuru stands out as one of the best SEO tools for Amazon sellers thanks to its user-friendly interface and comprehensive functionalities.

It brings together essential elements from keyword research to sales optimization, packaged in a cost-effective solution.

Trusted feedback suggests that users experience significant improvements in buyer click-through rates, conversion rates, and sales figures.

ZonGuru is a well-rounded toolset that caters to both new entrepreneurs and seasoned Amazon business owners seeking to scale their operations effectively.

8. MerchantWords


MerchantWords harnesses in-depth research and analysis to equip sellers on Amazon with listing optimization that drives visibility and sales. The service provides a tailored experience by learning about the seller’s product and constructing SEO-friendly listings.

Key features:

  • Thorough research utilizing a database of over 1.6 billion Amazon-specific keywords
  • Customized listings comprising an optimized title, bullet points, and product description
  • Expert writers from the seller’s market niche craft keyword-heavy content
  • A turn-around of less than 10 business days
  • Additional resources, including a list of targeted backend search terms and a CSV of keyword data
  • A satisfaction guarantee with the option for a complimentary rewrite

MerchantWords is distinguished as one of the best Amazon SEO tools due to its comprehensive approach toward individualized listing creation.

They combine scientific analysis with creative copywriting, ensuring product listings are not only optimized for Amazon’s search algorithms but also appealing to customers.

Their confidence in their service is further exemplified through their satisfaction guarantee, demonstrating their commitment to empowering sellers with the tools needed for success on Amazon’s competitive platform.

9. SellZone


SellZone is a comprehensive toolkit for Amazon sellers that has emerged from Semrush, an esteemed authority in SEO analytics.

The tool has evolved from its origins as an Amazon split testing service to encompass a wider range of features designed to optimize Amazon listings and enhance seller performance.

Key features:

  • Split Testing: Allows sellers to experiment with different listing elements to determine the most effective version.
  • Listing Quality Check: Performs an analysis of product listings to identify areas of improvement for optimization.
  • Traffic Insights: Reveals valuable data regarding how shoppers find and interact with listings.
  • Keyword Wizard: A dedicated tool for extensive Amazon keyword research.
  • Listing Protection: Monitors listings and alerts sellers to any changes or potential issues.

SellZone’s array of advanced tools provides sellers with crucial data to increase conversions, improve listings, and construct effective keyword strategies.

It stands out as one of the best SEO tools available to Amazon sellers due to its blend of SEO expertise from Semrush and its Amazon-specific optimization capabilities.

With SellZone, sellers have the means to tap into insightful analytics, which can be instrumental in achieving a more prominent presence on Amazon’s competitive marketplace.

10. Zoof

Amazon SEO Tool Zoof

Launching and scaling an e-commerce business can be daunting due to the overwhelming number of products available and the intensive process of product research. Sellers face a high risk of time and financial loss without the assurance of lasting success. Zoof enters the market as a solution, promising to alleviate the heavy lifting involved in finding and managing profitable e-commerce products.

Key features:

  • Spotlight Product Finder: For quick identification of high-potential products.
  • Omni Detective: A product finder tool to uncover sellable items across various platforms.
  • Opportunity Finder: Assists in the discovery of products with high demand and low competition.
  • Opportunity Analyzer: Offers insights into competitors’ strategies.
  • Rank Tracker: Tracks keyword ranking and provides data on performance.
  • Profit Dashboard: Real-time tracking of sales and profits.
  • Integrated Chrome extension for streamlined research and analysis.

Zoof positions itself as one of the best Amazon SEO tools primarily due to its comprehensive suite of features that simplify the e-commerce workflow.

Amazon SEO Best Practices

To excel with Amazon SEO, one must focus on enhancing product listings for search visibility and managing sales strategies to stay ahead in the competitive landscape.

Improving Product Listings

Product Title: The title should succinctly include primary keywords that accurately describe the product. An optimized title improves search relevance and attracts potential customers.

  • Keywords: Use relevant keywords judiciously to maintain a natural flow of language.
  • Features and Benefits: List product features and benefits using bullet points for clarity.
  • Product Description: Provide comprehensive descriptions that incorporate secondary keywords to assist with product listing visibility.
  • Images: High-quality images are paramount to showcase the product effectively.

Also read: Amazon Listing Optimization: 5 Strategies for Increasing Visibility and Sales

Managing Amazon Sales and Competition

  • Listing Optimization: Continually analyze keyword performance to refine listings and enhance conversion rates.
  • Competitive Prices: Monitor competitor pricing strategies to set prices that can improve sales conversion.

With these tactics, sellers can improve their presence and performance on Amazon’s marketplace.


To really get your products noticed on Amazon, using SEO tools is essential. These tools help you make your listings better so they show up higher in search results. They have features that let you find the best keywords, check out what your competitors are doing, and improve your listings.

The important thing is to pick a tool that suits your needs and keeps up with the latest changes in SEO.

Using the right SEO tools can make your products more visible, increase your sales, and strengthen your Amazon presence. As the online selling world changes, it’s crucial to keep up with these tools for ongoing success.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does Amazon SEO take to show results?

Results from Amazon SEO can start appearing in a few weeks. The exact time depends on factors like category competitiveness, the effectiveness of your SEO changes, and your product’s history on Amazon. Remember, Amazon’s algorithm takes time to index changes and re-evaluate your product’s relevance.

Does Amazon A+ content impact SEO?

Amazon A+ content indirectly aids SEO by enhancing customer experience, potentially improving conversion rates and increasing reviews. While not a direct ranking factor, A+ content can lead to higher sales, crucial for improving product ranking on Amazon.

How does Amazon SEO differ from Google SEO?

Amazon SEO focuses on selling products, with key factors including product titles, prices, availability, and customer reviews. In contrast, Google SEO aims to provide relevant content to users, considering a wider range of factors like backlinks, content relevance, and mobile-friendliness.

Is alt text important for SEO on Amazon?

Alt text for images doesn’t have a direct, significant impact on Amazon SEO. However, it can enhance listing accessibility and user experience. In general SEO best practices, alt text is recommended, but its effect on Amazon’s search algorithm is not as pronounced.


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