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SellerPoll Amazon Awards – Voting Is Now Open!

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We are pleased to announce that SellerPoll is finally LIVE!Get your voice heard and vote for who you want to win at SellerPoll!

All About SellerPoll

  • I have been busy working away on the interface to make sure your user experience is a positive one.
  • We have finished building the voting platform and secured sponsorship with cross border payments provider PingPong.
  • We are pleased to partner with PingPong as we feel they share the same values.
  • The funding will support us in our mission to be able to deliver SellerPoll in a user friendly, simple but effective way.

    In the interest of fairness and transparency PingPong, Seller Sessions the Podcast, Seller Sessions Live, DATAbrill or myself are not eligible to win any of the awards.

    The journey…

    We originally started with 12 categories but have reduced them to 9. I had a romantic notion we could just have plain entry fields that sellers could add who they would like to win.

    Through testing, we found out that people prefer to have some suggestions to choose from. So each category has suggestions but I must stress these are not nominations. You can choose from the list, input your own or select No Vote if you choose not to vote on that given category.

    The platform and process.

    We have integrated Facebook as the point of registration, as this will help reduce spam and ensure the votes are from real people.

    We want to give you a voice and nurture the Amazon community. We hope that you get behind this.

    We look forward to receiving your nominations!

    Don’t forget to share this link

    Get voting today!

    P.S. Don’t forget to also show some love to our Sponsor; PingPong, if you are looking to better your cross border rates them you can reach them here.

Join us in these key events!

September 12-14 – Sellerfest Lithuania | Check event HERE
October 1 – Birmingham Linn Academy | Check event HERE
October3 & 4 –  Amsterdam PPC Congress | Check event HERE
October 17 – AmaFest Manchester | Check event HERE
October 22- 23rd – Cross Border Summit and China Magic the same week!
October 27 and 29 – Global Sources | Check event HERE
October 14-20 – India Sourcing Trip | Check event HERE


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