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The 800k Seller Central Scam with Soon Chee

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What do you do if you wake up one day and get hit with ten thousand listings on your Amazon account? How do you proceed if you believe your account may be hacked? Join us in this conversation with Soon Chee and find out how he is able to recover and secure his Amazon account.

The Scam..

  • Soon Chee just came back from Beijing to HK and they were surprised with over ten thousand alien listings on their German Amazon account. 
  • This listing showed up overnight on their inventory.
  • They did not open a case right away but started investigating first. Asked info from their close Amazon seller friends on their opinion on how this happened.
  • Note: do your investigation first before opening a case.
  •  Buyer messages started coming which looked the same with payment error messages telling buyers that they were unable to process the payment.
  • The messages were redirecting customers to another site to process the payment.
  • The items were high value items.

Opening the case..

  • A case was opened after the investigation.
  • Note: do not use words like scam/ hacked in opening your case.
  • Follow it up if you don’t get a response at first.
    • Once they receive a follow up
    • They will give you a list of things to do and things that might happen.
    • Including informing all authorized users.

Impact to the account..

  • There were 145 orders confirmed and over a thousand orders were registered on the account amounting to around 400,000 euros.
  • Make sure to Include in the case to not have the issue affect the seller account. 

A happy ending..

  • Make sure to back up your listings. A side effect of the scam is that Seller Support had to delete the entire directory.
  • Good thing that Soon Chee’s team has documentation of their listings.
  • The team was able to place the proper listings back up in no time.
  • Do not panic when this happens – investigate before opening a case.
    • Advise seller support that the account may be compromised.
    • Ask for resolution. But take your seller date, numbers and reviews into consideration: ask for a clean slate or for your data not to be affected by the scam.

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