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SellerPoll Week 3 Updates: Who is Leading the Pack?

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A lot more shuffling this week, listen as I ring the changes. The biggest standout is the software category, with Helium 10 running miles ahead of the pack. Will Viral Launch or Jungle Scout catch up in time for Nov 5th?

SellerPoll Leaderboard update (Week 3) – Sponsored by PingPong
⬆️ ***In order find out changes in positions; watch the video***
? Get voting today!>>>
? P.S. Don’t forget to also show some love to our Sponsor; PingPong, if you are looking to better your cross border rates them you can reach them here.

⬆️Your Vote For Outstanding Contribution
Liran Hirschkorn
Kevin King
Steve Simonson
Brian Johnson
Ezra Firestone
Brandon Young
Casey Gauss
Ryan Daniel Moran
Greg Mercer
Scott Voelker

⬆️Your Vote For Software Company
Helium 10
Viral Launch
Jungle Scout
River Cleaner
Seller Chatbot

⬆️Your Vote For Service provider
Online Merchants Guild
CPC Strategy
Ecom Attorneys
eGrowth Partners
Goat Consulting
Simply VAT

⬆️Your Vote For Amazon Consultant
Brandon Young
Liran Hirschkorn
Kevin King
Paul Harvey
Steve Black
Michelle Barnum Smith
Brian Johnson
Anthony Lee
David Goldstrohm
Joe Reichsfeld

⬆️Your Vote For Facebook Group
Amazon FBA High Rollers
Unstoppable FBA
Orange Hat Marketing
The Amazing Seller
Seller Systems
Seller Tradecraft
RA Sourcing Secrets
Amazon PPC Troubleshooting
Amazon FBA Rockstars!

⬆️Your Vote For YouTube Channel
Orange Klik – Augustas Kligys
Jungle Scout
The Amazing Seller
Full-Time FBA
Steven Black
Seller Tradecraft
Seth Kniep
Brock Johnson
Kim & Perry Coghlan

⬆️Your Vote For Podcast
Serious Seller Podcast
The Amazon Seller Podcast
Ecom Crew
The Amazing Seller
eCommerce Momentum Podcast
Follow the Data – Viral Launch
Silent Sales Machine Radio
Amazon FBA Round Table
The Amazon FBA Private Labeller Show

⬆️Your Vote For Event / Conference
China Magic
Billion Dollar Seller Summit
Orange Hat Summit
AMZ Innovate
Global Sources Summit
Top Dog Summit
Sellers Summit
Empowery Seattle Summit
European Seller Conference

⬆️Your Vote For Amazon Training Course*
Amazing Selling Machine
Seller Systems
Freedom Ticket
Proven Amazon Course
The Last Amazon Course
Amazing freedom
Sophie Howard
Amazon PPC AMS Course
Private Label MBA
Reliable Education

Join us in these key events!

October 1 – Birmingham Linn Academy | Check event HERE
October3 & 4 –  Amsterdam PPC Congress | Check event HERE
October 17 – AmaFest Manchester | Check event HERE
October 22- 23rd – Cross Border Summit and China Magic the same week!
October 27 and 29 – Global Sources | Check event HERE
October 14-20 – India Sourcing Trip | Check event HERE


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