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Amazon Sales Funnels with Bryan Bowman – Session 002

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Amazon Sales Funnels

Light at the end of the funnel with Bryan covers all aspects of Amazon Sales Funnels, what they are, how they work, why you need a sales funnel and how to focus on benefits not features.
We cover a series of examples of funnels from spatulas to coffee to costco, how to budget for your first foray into the world of Amazon Sales Funnels and the technical aspects of creating a sales funnel to lead your prospects through.

  • Explain the reasons why you might want an off-Amazon strategy for attracting and capturing traffic to lead them to your landing pages, covering control of your customers and how to provide offers that will be attractive.
  • We give you an understanding of why emotion based selling tops logic based selling and how your amazon sales funnels strategies needs to accommodate both.
  • And a key to success is conversion rates so we also delve into how you can achieve a 20-30% conversion rate as opposed to a 2% for your non sales-funnel powered offers.

What are Amazon Sales Funnels?

A Sales Funnel is a way to walk your consumer through the sales process – and on Amazon you can use them for your listings

Shopify sales

  • You’re seeing a 0-2% conversion rate
  • You thought it would be field of dreams – I build it and they will come


  • At Costco you see it filled to the rafters with products, you keep pushing your cart through the store and keep filling your cart – You dump a load of stuff in and pay at the end

Personal Shopper

  • Personal Shopper – at a Banana Republic store I worked at they used a Personal Shopper and he would bring in 25% of the revenue of the store on the day even though there were 13 sales staff
  • He did a lot more – a guy comes in looking for a shirt for a date that night, John (Personal Shopper) upsells him cuff links, new belt and other bits that he didn’t know he wanted but he went out really happy
  • This is because it is a more personal experience and shows him the upsell items that match with the key thing they came in for

Conversion Rates

  • Conversion rates on a good funnel are upto 20-30% compared to a 2% on a webstore because of the conversion rate optimisation in a cohesive sales funnel.
  • When engineered correctly they start speaking to the motivations and pain points of why people buy

Off-Amazon sandbox

  • Big shift in the last few months eCom Underground group has re-branded to off-Amazon
  • Amazon ‘control’ your business because they control your customers
  • We use Amazon as ‘one’ of the spokes in the wheel
  • We built our own sandbox and use Amazon as one of our channels not THE ONLY channel
  • I woke up one morning and found in my Amazon app that sales are down
  • I checked on the desktop Amazon and the No.1 selling product (90% of our revenue) was completely blocked (we had 70k in inventory)
  • We started building out a non-Amazon channel and customer list that gives more resilience to your business
  • Think of your Amazon customer stream like a marathon stream of people running past and you selling are like the person standing with their cups of water on the roadside – customers come past, pickup from you and then head away into the distance
  • People think they jump onto Amazon and it’s going to be easy – but they don’t know what selling is and they don’t have the skills
  • Using funnels makes it easier
  • Off-Amazon is a different ball game and not the same volume as on Amazon
  • You have more moving pieces here and the learning curve can be shortened
  • Commodity Product to Community of Buyers
  • The way you succeed in this market is to take your product from a commodity to a community – your promise, positioning and the big idea that removes price being the big driver
  • A cup of coffee is a cup of coffee – but this cup cost me $4.50 and I spent the money for it as I was sold by the Barista on the bean in this coffee blend
  • There are people who can help with the copy-writing to help you build a tribe and a raving fanbase for your product

What makes a successful Sales Funnel

  1. Traffic – the ad used for pre-framing and getting the click to your landing page
  2. Landing Page – for emotional connecting and making the sale
  3. Follow up – thank you and keeping them warm

1. Getting Traffic to your Funnel

  • For $5k I can get your product in front of 10m eyeballs, but is it the right traffic?
  • You could be like Where’s Waldo – lost in the big image looking for Waldo
  • Target your traffic and find your Waldos in the masses
  • Facebook ads targeting potential is amazing – contextual advertising
  • On Facebook you want ‘disruptive’ advertising – your facebook ads or amazon ads aim to catch the eyeballs in the scrolling the reader is doing on those platforms
  • Go through your targeting first – age, gender, pain points, discomforts, wishes, fears, aspirations
  • We need this to get their attention before sending them into our Amazon Sales Funnels – grab the attention and then communicate later
  • The ‘image’ is absolutely key to grabbing attention

2.We narrow down our target – Make the connection

  • The intention of the ad (advertising on Facebook or amazon ads) is not to get the sale but to get the ‘click’ or commitment from the consumer
  • You want to catch their eye – as you would across a bar with someone you like, how do you court them?
  • Do the same in ads whether advertising on facebook or adwords or another platform
  • You take the same pain points and build a story that your target will relate to and be interested in
  • A person who will buy an expensive cup of coffee will be interested in the ‘story’ of the luxury coffee
  • This brings them to the landing page which is your first step in the funnel
  • Catching the eye is easier done with the image – lots of studies have proven this
  • Then we grab them emotionally with the title
  • The ad has a single purpose – GET THEM TO CLICK
  • Be careful and responsible with your copy – the right balance and essence – not SPAMMY or SALESY
  • We have ‘pre-framed’ them on what to expect, we’ve got the click
  • People buy with emotions and not logic – scientific fact
  • The emotional part of the brain makes decisions
  • Move from commodity ‘best price’ to community and ’emotional story’ for your product

Your first Amazon Sales Funnels offer > “FREE (plus shipping)”

  • You get the goods for free but pay the shipping costs
  • The click cost you money as you advertised to get the consumer there and click
  • There will be ‘upsell’ on each visitor that comes for the free item and you end up with a higher average cart value when they leave
  • A wine drinker – sell them a free wine pouch carrier to take to a concert
  • We know they are social and will have friends with them
  • The funnel offers a holiday pack – red wine and a white one, also 4 silicon wine glasses $49 for all of it.
  • This funnel is a one-click and you increase the sales
  • A down-sale is where they reject the offer at a lower price but covers the same need (congruent offers) if they say yes or no it then
  • goes to the Thank You page
  • This funnel was taking a 37%
  • We use a 2-step order form
    1. Where do we ship your free product
    2. Give us your credit-card details, etc.
  • At first contact we pixel them and then re-target them around the web
  • We were able to pull them out of the crowd and they had enough intent to visit so we want to keep them
  • Landing page image should represent the same as the Ad image and title to keep the congruency
  • Don’t do click-bait – example is you see a lovely woman on ad but click through and you get a supplements landing page
  • We use a Hub and spoke pattern in search to find a product
  • Does the ad-scent match with what you expect
  • If the landing page is not congruent then people will bounce back

Designing a good Lander (landing page)

  • Tie the Title, Description and Bullet points all together
  • Social proof at the beginning of your page
  • Use a strong Headline Image always on the right
  • Benefits (emotions) not features (logic)
  • Your ‘Call to action’ Button needs to be above the fold otherwise you lose them
  • A simple product requires little explanation – a more complex product likely costs more and can afford better copy and more of it to explain the features and hence a longer page
  • Copy is more important for more expensive products
  • Headlines are 80% of your copy
  • Sellers are usually best at putting their copy down – they are closer to the product and care more
  • Pull out why the features are so beneficial
  • Have some fun with your copy – give your brand a personality

3. The Followup

  • The Value Letter We get their attention ,we get them to buy and land at the thank you page then we never follow up
  • Tell them a little about your story and your brand Add a video to your thank you page
  • Stack a funnel on top of another funnel’s thank you page – you can have multiple Amazons Sales Funnels
  • Give them a call to action to send them to your Facebook group
  • Use affiliate offers on your thank you page to your buyers
  • Funnels are easier to use and setup now:
  • Use clickfunnels as a tool for Amazon Sales Funnels – Bryan does WordPress plugins work too
  • Unbounce is also a great tool
  • Clickfunnels does it all for you – but is an investment

Budgets for Amazon Sales Funnels

  • Clickfunnels will be the key investment to build your Amazon Sales Funnels
  • You’ll need an autoresponder – Mailchimp or Aweber Traffic
  • Micro-budgets ($5-$10/day) on ad campaigns
  • Test 3 or 4 different variations of the ad to match the ad and the offer
  • Maybe a $500 budget overall with 2 months of Clickfunnels in there
  • System Research on silicon spatulas Metal ones are heavy, silicon ones are better heat dissipation and you don’t burn
  • Target women first, certain age
  • Also Target men who are into barbeques
  • Ads will cover pain points – burning hand photo (throwing metal spatula)
  • Headline – tired of spatulas that burn your hands?
  • Story is  – engineered spatulas to be lightweight, company puts care in to the product
  • Get free spatula set – click here
  • Landing page then looks at 2 or 4 or 8 spatulas as variations (food separation and more washing up)
  • Give multiple choices as people will buy multiple quantities (38% will take the single but the remaining 60% will buy more than one)
  • Upsells to barbeque guy – congruent would be shish-kebab skewers but something that will be congruent
  • Downsell – a link to our community to learn about cooking and great foods
  • Amazon Sales Funnels are simple but to be good they need deep understanding of your customer and congruency across messages

Offer from – free funnels and discount on clickfunnels too.
Bryan Bowman


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