Blending Brand Analytics and Amazon PPC Data with Dr Ellis Whitehead

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The good Dr returns to discuss how to blend Brand Analytics with Amazon PPC data…

A Bit of a Background

  • Dr. Ellis Whitehead has an extensive background in computer science. and biology or medical technology.
  • He is an algorithm expert for  DATABrill which manages PPC and advertising automation for 6, 7 & 8 figure Amazon brands.
  • Dr. Ellis saw that PPC campaigns can be driven and constructed with the same kinds of approaches to reach optimum performance.

Data analytics and the benefits

  • Very few people take advantage of brand analytics.
  • There are a lot more than a million keywords that people are searching for in Amazon, there is a changing set of keywords.
  • The reports can be taken daily, monthly or quarterly.
    • Looking at your daily data allows you to see more data on long tail keywords activity.  
  • You get a sense of how popular the search terms are.
  • The auto-campaigns allow you to find keywords you want to be using.
  • A very significant number of relevant keywords will not produce sales.
    • Using tools like JungleScout and Helium10 are very important when getting data.
  • Relying on auto-campaigns will result to you missing out on more popular keywords.
    • When you go to Jungle Scout and Helium 10, you will get too many keywords.
    • Going through that is a very tedious task.

Narrowing Down the Keywords

  • We use a combination of two things to narrow down the keywords:
    • One is look at which ASIN is your closest competitor – this is manual work. 
    • Look into brand analytics reports for the most relevant ASINs.
      • Rate those keywords and take the most relevant ones.
      • Find more competitors and do it all over again.
  • For long term keywords: look at Amazon’s recommended keywords for PPC. This gives you more long term keywords not showing on the brand analytics.
    • Mix those in.
  • You will get more powerful keywords this way.
  • Helium10 will give you keyword search volume estimates, use this along with brand analytics — you get good keywords.

Using campaign reports

  • If a keyword is position #1 on the brand analytics but if you see that you are not ranking on the top 3 on the brand analytics but it is a really relevant keyword — then there may be things you need to change.
  • Measure everything — cross reference this with optimisation.
    • Use PPC data with brand analytics
    • Your PPC keywords are not the same as search terms keyword so get the PPC keyword and the brand analytics keywords and STRIP THEM:
      • Turn plurals to singulars and get rid of prepositions, stop words.
      • Do this manually, Amazon does not replace singular keywords with plural all the time but most of the time.
      • Ex: pad mice > pad mouse> Amazon sees them all as the same keywords.
  • Cross reference your data!

Trends to look out for

  • There are different types of CTRs: you have good and bad CTR.
  • Example: expensive items > you will get low CTR because people will window shop and wait a few months before buying. There will also be low conversions rate.
  • Low CTR and low conversion is OK.
  • For other products 10% is a rule of thumb for CTR.
  • This also depends on the PLACEMENT.

If you are looking for help or more information check out:

  • Catch Dr. Ellis Whitehead at SellerSessions LIVE 2020!
  • ↪️Saturday May 9, 2020 ?Here’s the link to book your tickets
  • Conference ticket includes access to the Sellers Alley and YLT Translations”Boat Party”

Our Sponsors:

About SellerSessions 2020

  • Our venue this year: The David Game Keynote Theatre, with tiered seating.
  • This year we are supporting a charity and a portion of the proceeds will be given to  Tomy’s pioneering studies for prevention of babies born asleep:
  • We will give away 5 FREE tickets for single-parent Amazon sellers. If you know anyone please get in touch to get the details.
  • Confirmed speakers and more to come:
    • Brandon Young
    • Dr Yev Marusenko
    • Destaney Wishon
    • Zack Franklin
    • Nadine Schöpper
    • Liran Hirschkorn
    • Ivelin Demirov 
    • Dr Ellis Whitehead
    • Paul Harvey 
    • And yours truly, Danny McMillan. I will be hosting the show and speaking on a topic.

Buy Tickets HERE

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? Need help with your Amazon PPC?

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