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New Amazon Features with Liran – Session 027

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Liran is back and talks us through several new Amazon Features to increase conversions utilising coupon codes, social media and frictionless checkout discounts. If you’re not using Amazon Spark just yet you may want to take a look.

New Coupon Feature

  • In your seller central account, you’ll find the new Amazon feature for coupons under your Advertising tab menu
  • Open to Brand Registry 2.0 users – need to have a trademark registered brand
  • Take one or a group of ASIN – recommended to do related products for a group
  • Coupon for a percentage off or a dollar off
  • You get a coupon badge on your listing – giving a higher clickthrough rate
  • Getting in early you get a boost before everyone catches up
  • You can create the coupon – $50 off
  • Create a budget of $50 of coupons and once people have taken it then it stops giving coupons
  • There is a 60 cents per coupon redemption fee that you as a seller pay
  • You can target this to all customer, Prime only, people who have viewed ‘other’ ASINS, or past-customers only
  • Lots to experiment with
  • It can take 4 days for your coupon to go-live

Setting up the new Amazon Coupon feature

  • Setting up as a group
  • You can give it a title “get $5 off blah blah”
  • Liran is testing this new amazon feature with an ‘all customers’ coupon
  • Also testing a higher percentage offer to previous customers
  • Also going to test a competing ASIN and target people who have looked at other competing products and see if having the coupon badge on the listing for those customers makes a difference
  • Going to look at Product Display Ads and see who is being targeted for product display ads and look at those competing ASINs
  • Also look at conversions from being on somebody else’s listing and if they have converted well I’ll take those to start with and target those customers who have looked at competitor listing
  • Will also boost my product display ads as they will see the coupon code and should click through increasing conversions
  • So doubly targeting by hitting those who have looked at other ASINs but also seeing a coupon code should raise conversions for sponsored ads

Amazon looking to increase control?

  • Being Devil’s advocate we must consider that Amazon might remove the two-step URL so is Amazon setting up this coupon system to get us to do the discounts ‘on-amazon’ rather than being outside Amazon

Amazon Social Promo-codes

  • Allows you to target one or a group of products
  • Creates a unique link and landing page with a coupon code for 15-80% – social promo must be minimum 15%
  • Allows you to give a coupon code without displaying it on your page, and easier for people to redeem as they don’t need to give a coupon code at checkout, the unique URL already takes the discount automatically before checkout
  • Seems like more control from Amazon here a more closed controlled system for coupon codes
  • Higher conversion rate as an automatic process with less friction
  • Looking to test this out in Q4 for profitable conversions off social media

Amazon reach to Influencers – Amazon Spark

  • Met at Amazon HQ with people running the Amazon Spark programme
  • Find it by going into the Amazon App – go to programmes & features as a Prime customer and you will see Spark in there
  • Amazon are paying Influencers to post within the Spark app – people with pretty good followers who are bringing them over to the Spark app
  • Amazon’s answer to Shoppable/Instagram – getting influencers to post pics of their products to get people over to Amazon to click and buy
  • It’s growing and coming to Android from iOS and coming to Desktop too
  • You should go and use it and post your own products – but mix it up with other people’s products too
  • Contribute to the community and don’t spam your own products
  • Also, reach out to the Spark Influencers and send direct messages and get your product in front of them
  • Not seeing a lot of sellers posting on there currently – maybe underutilised for now?
  • You get to see how many views your Spark posts get
  • Sellers are not using this very muc hyet
  • Reaching out to Spark Influencers is a good way to get better reach for your products
  • Very targeted Influencer marketing you can do with the Spark app if you’re not using it
  • If you have an Amazon Prime account you can go to Spark in the app and start posting
  • When you sign-up you choose upto 5 interests and you’ll see these in your feed
  • See what’s getting lots of comments and analyse what’s working
  • You can add coupon codes when you’re posting there too


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