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Ranking on Amazon Germany with Gil Lang – Session 007

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Gil runs a full service agency for Amazon Sellers for Ranking on Amazon Germany to get into Europe with language translations, listing support, etc to improve amazon sales rank. Gil is also the AmzCon event organiser in Germany – an annual conference for Amazon Sellers in Europe.

Ranking on Amazon Germany

  • Gen look at listing in English and translate with the user/buyer in-mind
  • We’re writing for the customer not the algorithm (so not keyword focussed yet)
  • Look at top three competitors and get their top 10 – 20 keywords Amalyse tool and Zoneout to target amazon sales rank
  • Our guys know how to translate the sales copy from English to european languages because they understand Amazon as a marketplace – we arm them with the vision of the brand to ensure the listing is in context and the language is correct culturally and dialect
  • This improves your amazon seo and amazon sales rank
  • Our approach is smarter and more precise to improve conversions on your translated listings and keywords

Amazon Product Reviews

  • German culture is very different to US or UK buyers
  • Germans more technical minded (less emotional)
  • German Buyer wants it to be 100% perfect – they expect this and don’t generally leave a positive review but are quick to leave a negative review if standards are not met
  • They are very likely to enter into dialogue about defects and this conversation can improve the review rating
  • Gil uses a Private network for getting reviews to get those initial reviews for the product
  • 10 – 15 reviews are more than enough to launch with
  • Then Gil starts his ppc campaigning then
  • Gil has built his private review network over the last three years from previous customers of his products for amazon feedback and amazon promotions
  • Uses Google forms to survey his network for people interested in his new Amazon product at launch time before offering it to them as amazon promotions

PPC strategy

  • Always start with the auto-campaign to not miss any keywords
  • Then the manual campaign
  • Use Amalyze to filter out the keywords that main competitors are bidding on
  • Also we have a manual campaign with just loads of keywords in
  • We use Amalyze and Sonar tool to build 1,00 keywords

Launch blast

  • Using AMZ Stars service for the Zonblast type launch
  • Pure ‘giveaways’ no request for reviews but you’ll typically get 10% reviews from this launch blast

AMS for Marketing

  • Use AMS for his clients and his own brands
  • Using Headlines ads that work best for Gil
  • Steal sales from your competitors by bidding on their brand names
  • Use product display ads also
  • Use them for products that other people buy together – if I see that some products are bought together with mine I definitely jump on that listing
  • Also use it for my own products too – Product A is listed against product B etc.

External Traffic

  • Facebook Ads work in Germany if you have the right brand and product
  • You must warm the audience up first

Email Sequencing for Amazon Feedback

  • All those amazing sequences that you might use in America and send multiple emails
  • Germany has a ‘double-opt-in’ law
  • You can send them just one email (likely with our invoice) but not a good feedback mechanism
  • German law can fine you for this email contact

German eCommerce Cultural Differences

  • US listings are pumped up, lower brow in UK
  • Not as impulsive a buyer in Germany
  • Title is a bit lower profile and more factual in Germany focussed on Benefits – tone it down for Germany
  • Description is skim read usually but there is always an attention to detail in German markets
  • Over 40% mobile in German market which is an important metric for ranking on Amazon Germany
  • The description in the mobile app comes first
  • We always start with a strong description – telling a story to the buyer
  • Not using the A+ listings as it’s not giving enough of a boost in conversions

Social Media Marketing in the German culture

  • Branding focus and works really great
  • Not used as a performance marketing tool
  • Look at impressions and how many people will remember your brand after your ad

Categories that are best for Ranking on Amazon Germany

  • Pets, Home and Kitchen, Sports and Outdoors
  • Supplements is closed so great for Gil as he’s in there
  • Board Games is a big one currently in Germany
  • Baby category works as well too

Responding to negative amazon product reviews

  • 3* or less – we go on-line and thank for feedback and give option for refund
  • Helps to have someone local able to respond in the right language and context
  • Get straight onto poor reviews and apologise and try and get them as pen-pals to make it better
  • We use Sellics tool for marketing analytics to get contact details for buyers

Ranking on Amazon Germany Summary

  • Look at listing in English
  • Convert to German language and forget keywords for now just focus on buyer
  • Use Amalyse for Keywords and analyse top 3 competitors
  • Get top 10-20 keywods
  • Then tap into private network for reviews
  • Get 5-10 to get started
  • Run PPC on auto to campaign to scoop up
  • Manual campaign with main keywords from your research
  • Then use AMS if needed
  • Then product launch broadcast blast out giveaways with likely 10% reviews (but not asked for)
  • May consider Facebook ads if target audience is warm
  • Do email sequencing if asked for – but a risk due to
  • Marketing – Not too heavy on the spiel for marketing – keep it factual and don’t overplay it

Contact Gil



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