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Part 7 – You have a product problem, not a visibility problem

It’s one thing to be under-optimized and another to not test for customer objections. Nearly everyone skips this crucial step and then pours thousands into launches, which could have been saved by spending a few days and a few hundred dollars on critical feedback. Why? Because it’s boring, it’s not

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Part 6 – Types of sellers agencies look to avoid

I’m going to preface this… Service providers and sellers are not looking for additional unnecessary problems on top of solving the real issues in the business. As a seller, you might occasionally encounter an Amazon customer who acts like a tyrant: they are rude, obnoxious, insincere, and engage in unruly

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Part 8 – Scattered Attention and Quick Wins

Put your time and attention before money Hear me out—money is the lifeblood of every business, but if you focus your time and attention on the wrong things, you’ll run out of money sooner rather than later. If you dedicate your time and attention solely to money, but are on

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Part 5 – Performance Only Agencies

It sounds appealing, right? Everyone loves the idea of getting something for free, without any strings attached. In an ideal world, you could have your entire team paid based on performance while you watch the profits roll in. Wage-free experts, minimal overheads, the ability to fire them on a whim,

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Part 4 – Full-Service Agency

Do you need one? Firstly, “full service” is a broad term and can encompass many different aspects. There are several tasks that most, if not all, do not handle. These include product research, product development at the factory level, and logistics. These tasks require intensive effort and are typically managed

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Agency Red Flags – On Both Sides of the Table

Today, let’s discuss what to look for in an agency, balancing the perspective as there are two parties in this dyad: the agency and the client. Neither the agency nor the seller is created equal. Every time you hear that an agency is a scammer, remember there’s also a blacklist

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Part 2 – Crystal Balls, Case Studies and Magical Strategies

Crystal Balls Anyone who suggests and guarantees specific results should be questioned. Ask them how they arrived at that conclusion and how they can support their claim. Because for any scientific claim to be credible, it must be testable and yield consistent results, regardless of who conducts the experiment or

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The Art of War on Amazon: Part 2

The Art of War on Amazon: Part 2 Welcome back to Seller Sessions. Following part one in the series, we delve deeper into your mental game and its impact on your business. It’s tough out there for sellers right now, and no hack will fix your mental game. Mastering the

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The Biggest Hack This Seller Used To Reach 9 Figures

Welcome back to another insightful episode of Seller Sessions, hosted by Danny McMillan. In this episode, we are rejoined by Mels Terlouw, a seasoned entrepreneur peaking at 9 figures in sales. Together, they delve into the critical but often overlooked topic of addressing customer objections, a vital component of successful sales strategies. Key Insights from Mels

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The Art Of Winning on Amazon Part 1

Building a Better Mental Fortress Welcome back to Seller Sessions. Danny explores critical, non-tactical aspects of life that are essential for Amazon sellers and entrepreneurs. Use this knowledge to strengthen your mental resilience, as it will greatly enhance your business and overall life experiences. Remember, the body tends to give up long

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The Biggest Hack This Seller Used To Reach 9 Figures

The Biggest Hack This Seller Used To Reach 9 Figures Welcome back to another insightful episode of Seller Sessions, hosted by Danny McMillan. In this episode, we are rejoined by Mels Terlouw, a seasoned entrepreneur peaking at 9 figures in sales. Together, they delve into the critical but often overlooked

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The Art & Science of Finding You Top Performers

Advanced Insights into Data Analysis and Optimization with Dr. Ellis Welcome to this episode of Seller Sessions, where we dive deep into the nuanced world of data analysis and optimisation with the return of Dr. Ellis. After a hiatus of 18 months, we’ve brought the good doctor back from the depths

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